
Welcome to Northraun Falls, a seemingly tranquil haven nestled in the woods of Rhode Island. When Joe, a burnt-out college kid out for a late-night drive, stumbles upon this mysterious town, he's plunged into a realm of monsters, magic, and hidden truths. As each resident seems to grapple with their own struggles and as ancient evils lurk in the shadows, Northraun Falls hangs on the edge of darkness. Will they uncover and conquer the restless force endangering their home, or will they be consumed by its sinister power?


Name: Joseph “Joe” BricklePronouns: He/himSpecies: HumanAge: 21Current Role: University student majoring in marine biology, attempting to embrace the discovery of a pocket dimension filled with magic as a welcome(hopefully) getaway from his routine.Quote: "I could really use a sandwich and a glass of milk right about now."Likes: Sea slugs, collecting keychains, peanut butter, Star Trek, and navy blueDislikes: Burnout, getting wet, heights, and zucchini

Name: Lord Ambrose Theophilus HughesPronouns: He/himSpecies: VampireAge: 166Current Role: Patron of Hughes Manor, projecting an air of aloofness while secretly enjoying the company of its many residents. Calculating and methodical in behavior, yet observant and surprisingly emotional beneath his reserved exterior.Quote: "Sometimes solitude is the greatest comfort, yet the warmth of companionship can be a welcome reprieve."Likes: Literature, classical music, tea, playing cello, the theatre, familyDislikes: Heat, crowded places, loud noises, poultry, superficiality

Name: GalanPronouns: Any/AllSpecies: VampireAge: 6,000~Current Role: The charming and witty house spouse of Hughes Manor, known for their delightful banter and thoughtful demeanor. They are also the devoted lover to Lord Ambrose Theophilus Hughes and the one who turned Ambrose into a vampire.Quote: "Ah, the tales of yore, whispers woven into time's fabric. Shall I regale you with a story of triumph?"Likes: Reading, cycling, Rom Coms, witty banter, traveling, storytelling, and soft moonlit nightsDislikes: Intrusive questions, Mayo, Period Films, Scientists, and harsh lighting

Name: Lady Blanche Hughes-KeatonPronouns: She/herSpecies: VampireAge: 120Current Role: Ever the firecracker, Blanche navigates the complexities of her undead existence with a mischievous spirit and a hint of sorrow. Despite the weight of her past, she finds joy in playful pranks and adventures, infusing the manor with her liveliness.Quote: "Sometimes I feel like I've lived a thousand lifetimes, yet I'm still just a child trapped in this body forever."Likes: Exploring, learning new things, fps games, vintage toys, pranksDislikes: Boredom, being treated like a child, overly serious people, gloom, cooked food

Name: Drake BellenPronouns: he/himSpecies: Snake ShifterAge: 24Current Role: The town's troubled heartthrob, juggling his cringe eboy persona with being a genuine person, though often overshadowed by his partying and substance abuse issues. He always smells like cheap cigarettes and good cologne, a jarring combination.Quote: "I swear to god if you play some goofy shit on the aux, I will leave you on the side of the road."Likes: Music, eggs, making people smile, thriftingDislikes: making mistakes, being alone, feeling claustrophobic, being sober

Name: Beau AllawayPronouns: She/HerSpecies: WerewolfAge: 45Current Role: The nurturing heart of Hughes Manor, Beau takes on the role of caretaker, tending to the needs of her peculiar found family with unwavering dedication. She's the one who keeps the Manor running smoothly, ensuring everyone is fed and cared for.Quote: "You two are like a tornado in a teapot! Can't you have some good clean fun that doesn’t leave a trail of dirt and destruction behind you?"Likes: cooking, sewing, lavender anything, sweaters, pecan pieDislikes: loud noises, guns, bugs, olives, small spaces

Name: Apollo AllawayPronouns: he/himSpecies: WerewolfAge: 47Current Role: The town's dependable general handyman, blending practicality with a heart of gold, despite living in the shadows of his more accomplished siblings. A very dad like personality, who loves to grill, makes horrible jokes, and is singularly and deeply in love with his wife.Quote: "You know why werewolves are cooler than vampires? We don’t have a problem with steaks."Likes: Working with his hands, being helpful, animals, red meat, punsDislikes: conflict, poor craftsmanship, olives, grating noises, snakes

Name: Altair D’ailleboustPronouns: He/TheySpecies: Bird spiritAge: 40Current Role: Altair roams the skies and the earthly world alike, embodying the serene beauty of flight and freedom. With wings that carry him effortlessly through life, he brings a sense of tranquility wherever he goes, reminding others to embrace the simple joys of existence.Quote: "Why walk when you can fly? Life's too short to be grounded, and no it doesn’t matter than my life is technically much longer than yours."Likes: heights, trees, quiet, seafood, the sunDislikes: Confined spaces, drama, rigidity, confrontations, poultry

Name: Nysae NeophytosPronouns: he/himSpecies: FaunAge: 3,000~Current Role: Reclusive resident of Hughes Manor and close friends with Galan due to the shared thousands of years of memories between them. Often spotted traipsing through the surrounding forests of town, preferring the company of nature over that of people.Quote: "In the gentle embrace of the forest, I find sanctuary from the chaos of the world."Likes: Singing, fluting, jewelry making, leafy greens, flowersDislikes: Technology, being mistaken for a child or a girl, strangers, centipedes

Name: Edalis TembhPronouns: She/TheySpecies: HumanAge: 36Current Role: Wizard apprentice specializing in plant/natural magic. Born the daughter of two witches, she has a natural affinity for magic but is easily distracted. Along for the ride is her talking parrot named Arippus who’s supposed to be guiding her training during her mentor’s absence.Quote: "Life's like a garden, man. Sometimes you gotta sit back, light up, and let the magic grow."Likes: Nature, weed, gardening, tea, stargazing, life sim gamesDislikes: Studying, being rushed, chemicals, crowded spaces

Credits and Contacts

This work was possible due to the talents of the following people!
Writers: Sabriya Rashid, Finlay Mayhew
Artists: Aliea Ramirez
Additional Thanks: